Tuesday, June 5, 2007

FINI!!! (just one)

Can't help but brag. I have finally finished my argyle. The sewing was not fun. Don't know if I will ever make another pair, but I WILL finish this pair. All I have to do on the other one is weave in the 300 loose ends and sew it up. Sounds easy, but it isn't!


sillyewe said...

Hey, You Guys!!! I just found you! I am so happy to find some like minds. I am working on my first pair of argyles now after looking everywhere for patterns, tutorials, etc. I have a sample on my blog now, but will have a different colorway up in a day or so. Glad I found you...I'll be watching. ;0)

Julie said...

Hello, Great blog and great socks. I'm a sock knitting addict and have recently got in touch with my scottishness and am having a bash at Argyles. I was born and bred in Glasgow but now I live in Berlin - Germany. Oh and I can vouch that the lads wear nothing underneath. My hubby has a kilt and I know ;o)