Monday, March 8, 2010


I have never been so relieved to finish knitting something. These gloves, though mentally challenging (in a good way), were intense to knit. Maybe it was my yarn and needle choice: Jamieson's on #0 dpns- way too tight normally, but nice and windproof for gloves. Each stitch was a bit of a struggle. But I couldn't stop. Partly because it is an SnB KAL and I can't seem to give up on a KAL. (I have finished every one of them so far:-)). But most importantly: I love these gloves! I love wearing them! Look how nice they look with my coat:

Maybe I will have to make a hat. Not matching (that would be a bit much) but with the same yarn and some other colors. But bigger needles. Some nice Addi Turbo 16" circulars. That would be easier on the hands.....

Speaking of hands: I have been knitting my alpaca sweater and the yarn feels like butter in my fingers. And it is so nice to knit something FLAT. Never thought I would say that. Here are some pictures of the sleeve being blocked. Everyone knows how I love to block. If ever there was case for blocking....



1 comment:

tara said...

So did you block the gloves? :)
They look fabulous! Aren't they great to wear?! Thank goodness the struggle was worth it, right? And I was thinking of making a hat too! just a panel of the herringbone to match the gloves - but I haven't done it yet.
Can't wait to see the sweater, looks beautiful.