Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monkey Blanket Update

It's often hard to know the fate of things you knit and give as gifts. Sometimes you find out that things didn't end so well -- hats lost or sweaters shrunk. Sometimes, come to find out, garments have been worn to death -- frayed scarves, socks with holes. But more often, you send knitted gifts out into the world never knowing if and how they ever get used.

(Likewise, I think we knitters also get very good and learning who appreciates and takes good care of the things we make for them, and we reward them with more things.)

So, remember the labor-intensive Monkey Blanket I made back in the fall? Well, it's nice to know it's getting put to good use, by its super-adorably-cute owner, Olivia. Her parents report that it gets compliments every time they take her out with it.

How cool and cute is this??

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