Monday, March 19, 2007

A-S-S Women

Typical -- we hardly have enough room to work, what with all the food, patterns, and other stuff. . .

Hal would make a great knitwear model, don't you think? He could probably even pull off one of those overly-cably sweaters that no man looks good in. He's rugged without being obnoxious about it.

Someone thought it might be a good idea to weigh the yarn that went on the bobbins. Why was that again? So that that certain someone (who's way ahead of everyone else, by the way) could show off her fancy-pancy scale? Ok, maybe a certain someone else has scale envy.

Here's Val trying to decide what her color scheme should be. (Can you tell, she's trying not to kill me for taking her picture.) Congrats, Val, on getting into Brown. You're a super-star.

Val and her doughnut bobbins.

Val's line colors. I love how these bobbins look with Ewa's yarn on them. Like little pieces of candy. Luscious. Yarn money shots.

Val doing her first row of colors and learning about bobbin management. It's so exciting to see those first few rows of the pattern emerge. Val -- did you get any work done last night??

We made a lot of progress on our socks on Sunday. I guess we should've -- after all, we were at JWR's house for close to 6 hours. (Was it really that long??) Here's Ang with her sock, ready to work the sole. I cannot believe how much sewing we're going to have to do. I'm bringing booze to our sew-up session.

1 comment:

Jennifer Rosner said...

Man, I wish that I was there!!!! I just noticed what the letters of the support group spelled, I guess I´m a little slow, or my brain has been fried on WAY too much spanish. I wanted to post on something Wendy said a while back about the slipped stiches and uneven pattern development...I slipped onto a holder, then onto needles then onto a holder, then went back to the needle, so that there isn´t one side worked more than the that answering the problem? I fly back on Thursday, so be prepared to see 2 finished argyle patterns, not socks, just the pattern part. Congrats to Val! She´ll always be my superstar!! -K-